
Friday, March 16, 2012

Truvía® natural sweetener Product Review

I have been using Truvía® Natural Sweetener for a few weeks now.  I have tried it in my coffee, tea and on my grapefruit.  I have to say it really tastes great.  It doesn't taste exactly like sugar but the flavor is very close. I like the crystals which give it sugar-like texture too.  I am definitely going to keep using it since it tastes great and saves me a few calories.  Listen,  I really prefer natural sweeteners but I don't always love the calories in sugar or honey. They really add up, ya know what I mean?  I work out alot and eat really healthfully but every little bit counts.  I like to look good and who needs a few extra pounds anyway especially with summer on the way?  Truvía® helps me to bridge that gap and save some calories. The information that came with the product in my Influenster Love Box Voxbox said, "Truvía® natural sweetener is refreshingly uncomplicated, made from the best tasting part of the Stevia plant. Sprinkle this no-calorie sweetener on your grapefruit. Spoon it in your coffee. It won't end up on your conscience or your thighs!" I love that it is all natural and it makes me feel good that I can use it anytime or anywhere.  Hey, I can stash it in my purse too and I have!  Give it a try.

*I received this product complimentary to test through the Influenster VoxBox program.

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