
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fiber One® 90 Calorie Brownies Contest and Review #myblogspark

If you have been possibly dreaming of a brownie that will satisfy your sweet tooth craving to help you stay on track--I actually have something for you!   New Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor Fiber One® 90 Calorie Brownies, combine your absolute fave  dessert flavors: chocolate chip cookie AND brownie!  When you´ve got brownies dancing through your head, but don´t want to over-indulge, this moist and chewy chocolate chip cookie brownie is the perfectly portioned 90-calorie snack and it won't ruin your bikini body that you worked so hard to get this summer!

  • Each serving provides 20 percent of the Daily Value of fiber (5g)*
  • Delicious Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor features semisweet chocolate chips in a cookie-batter brownie topped with a dark chocolaty flavored drizzle 
  • 3g of total fat per brownie-not a lot at all!
 Chocolate Chip Cookie flavor Fiber One® 90 Calorie Brownies make a great afternoon snack with a cup of coffee or a light latte.  It really satisfies those chocolate cravings whether you are at work, at home or even on the go. I stash five one in my purse--you never know! While you are at it check out Fiber One® on Facebook here and let them know what you think.

Would you like to try them yourself?  Don't forget to enter my contest below to win this great survival kit with lots of goodies too! a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Disclosure:  The product, gift pack, information, and additional sample have been provided by General Mills through MyBlogSpark.”


  1. These Fiber One 90 cal desserts are sooo good. Really hope I win!

  2. Well the answer is kinda obvious isn't it - when I have brownies on my brain, I want to satisfy that craving with the least amount of calories possible! :)

  3. because i want something yummy to satisfy the craving :)

    marci h
    tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

  4. Because they look really yummy and I won't have to feel as guilty :)

  5. I usually just eat whatever my wife loads the cupboard with. because iof the healthy/guilt free nature of these, I have a feeling these will soon be available in my house.

  6. I will eat these because they are good for you. That should keep harmony in the household over whether the junk I eat is a bad influence on the kids.

  7. I will eat these because they are good for you. That should keep harmony in the household over whether the junk I eat is a bad influence on the kids.
