
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Neon Tiki Tribe Party #NeonTikiTribeParty #Neon Tiki Tribe Party

We had such a beautiful day on Friday it worked out perfectly for our Neon Tiki Tribe Pool Party.  You could not have asked for better weather at the end of August. All the kids were excited to hear more about these cool superheroes.  Everyone was all hopped up about reading all the new books and getting a colorful pair of super power sunglasses as well all thanks to #Neon Tiki Tribe and MommyParties.  All the parents were thrilled to see a wholesome book series with positive characters woven into the story lines!

What is the Neon Tiki Tribe you may ask?   The Neon Tiki Tribe is a team of very cool super-heroes that help the world by constantly thwarting the evil Ku Tiki Tribe. The Tiki’s, which is an acronym for Thoughtful Intelligent Kind Individual, originated from Tiki Island and were discovered by a young man named Greg and his dog Sniff-Sniff.

There are currently three great kids books available all with positive lessons for kids the learn. The best part of the Tiki Tribe books is that the kids love the characters and story lines so much they don't realize they are learning a lesson!  I also wanted to mention that each book is has great colors plus a font that was created to help kids with dyslexic symptoms!  I didn't realize that almost 1 in 10 children have some form of dyslexia?  That is wonderful too.  This is my favorite below:

Tiki Tribe Beach Battle

Price: $7.95

During a trip to the beach, the Tikis discover the ocean water turning an strange, dark color. Zeke finds that someone has been dumping trash in the ocean! Even worse, Zeke meets some poor turtles that have soda rings caught around their shells. The Tikis move quickly to find the source of the ocean trash.   They soon encounter a mysterious masked man in a boat. Who is this mystery person and what will happen when the Tikis confront him? Tiki Beach Battle teaches children what can happen when we are careless with our trash.

Dog Rescue Mission is also another great kids book from the series.   The Neon Tiki Tribe help a neighborhood boy find his dog.  The boy is upset that he lost his dog, and even more upset that he lied to his parents about how it happened. Using special shades the Neon Tiki Tribe use special superhero sunglasses to hunt down the dog. They have to battle the evil Ku Tiki Tribe in the process! “Dog Rescue Mission” teaches kids about the importance of honesty and the courage to tell the truth no matter what the consequences.

The third book is Playground Pusharound.  This a great book to reinforce with the bullying issues in the schools.  All the kids seemed to love this one.  Poor Maya needs to get some help with bullying. At school her classmates teased and bullied her about her new glasses. Maya hopes Greg and the Tikis can help her learn what she can do to prevent bullying.  Join Mowah and Tia as they help Maya to manage bullies.

The kids had lots of fun at our Neon Tiki Tribe pool party. All the parents were in awe of the books.  I was not surprised at all.  Honestly, what parent wouldn't like books with wholesome and positive themes that provide kids with excellent role models like these? 

It was interesting to see the kids wander over and grab a book during the party and sit down and start to read it quietly at the picnic table...several times! Right in the middle of a pool party with tons of other friends, a pool and lots of treats.  None of them were encouraged...the kids just naturally gravitated towards the colorful covers and interesting and moral but super-cool characters. Other kids joined them and grabbed a book or leaned in and read with them. Fascinating and very satisfying to see as a parent too!

The Neon Tiki Tribe tee shirt winner and the poster winner were all excited too.  MommyParties had also provided us with those items as well to award to a lucky recipient.

I would definitely recommend the Neon Tiki Tribe books for your own children, as a gift or even for your child's teacher. I bet teachers would love to have these as part of a classroom book collection!

You can find Neon Tiki Tribe on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest so don't forget to follow them and catch all the latest updates...maybe even some promotions or discounts if you get lucky!  

Disclosure:  By publishing this post, I received free products as part of a promotional program with MomSelect. All opinions as always, are my own.

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