
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Review and Personal Experience: The Fast Metabolism Diet #FastMetabolismDiet


This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/FastMetabolismDiet. I received a copy of the book and an app from SheSpeaks in order to post a review for my readers.  As always, my opinions are my own.
I have been pretty steady with my weight (not too bad...) this winter but everyone can use a little help as bikini season approaches, Glamamama included. My weight never stays totally on target, but jeez, whose does?  Oh, I forgot, Heidi Klum, lol!

 I was a little bit excited when I heard from She Speaks that I was chosen to participate in a review for The Fast Metabolism Diet by the famous Haylie Pomroy.  You can pre-order The Fast Metabolism Diet now too! It is not any kind of fad diet, which I really liked right off the hopper. You might have heard Haylie on Dr. Oz or several other shows. She really has some solid ideas that are reasonable and can be incorporated into real life. The main idea is getting you out of poor eating habits like drinking coffee, eating foods loaded with sugar and even those sugar substitutes.  Haylie has you eating lots of healthy vegetables (recipes included!) and drinking lots of water to flush out the junk.  That is the key...real life.  It really is easy to follow. She has everything set up in phases...from exercise to the recipes.  If I can do it you can do it!

I love that The Fast Metabolism Diet includes 4 weeks of healthy meal plans (easy to make ahead too...she is conscious of us busy, working mamas!) and more than 50 recipes.  Good recipes too.  The recipes include options for vegetarians, organic and even people on gluten-free diets.
I started about a week ago and it has been going pretty well. I have lost 2 pounds so far and I feel really good.  I want to let you know that I do get to the gym regularly which I think helps alot. The book actually suggests adding movement to the plan so at least I had that part under my belt already.  I do a crazy boot camp regimen on Saturday mornings and a mix of weights, pilates, boot-camp type regimens on Monday, Wednesday and Thursdays.  Gotta keep it honest. I think the best way to do it is a mix of activity along with the clean eating plan that Hayley recommends.  I will keep you all updated with my progress. You can learn more about the book on The Fast Metabolism Diet FAQ Page.

I found the iphone app to be helpful as well.  It really made my planning a lot easier. You can get more information on The Fast Metabolism Diet app here.

You can get more information by following Haylie and The Fast Metabolism Diet on the website, Facebook and Twitter:

4/29/13 UPDATE
I have been doing really well. Several of my friends are in it with me and that helps too!  I have lost 6 pounds so far and I feel much more energetic.  The recipes have been keeping me going and helping a lot. I think the diet is a huge part of the whole fitness plan.  I love the smoothies especially now that it is getting warmer too.  Of course I have been keeping steady with gym classes/workouts 4 days a week too.  I love the smoothies especially now that it is getting warmer too. 

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