
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Book Review: THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP: Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years by Dr. Harvey Karp

I love is like an E-Z instruction book for parents AND babies!  I received a book from One2One Network recently to review by Harvey Karp, M.D. and boy I wish I had The Happiest Baby Guide To Great Sleep Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years a few years ago when my daughter was a baby.  I had to cobble together my own plan by hook and crook.  Thank goodness I ended up with a good sleeper but, wow, having Dr. Karp's book would have made it a bunch easier for me. You are really lucky...Glamamama is kind of jealous but I will tell you more anyway because I know how hard it is as a mom.  I am hoping I can help other moms avoid some of the sleep pitfalls that my friends fell into.

Dr. Karp has some simple but effective techniques.  They are very easy to learn and use in your own home.  No special expensive equipment needed either.  You will learn about the key set of techniques, it's called the "5 S's": swaddling, side or stomach position, shushing, swinging, and sucking. Those five actions re-create the atmosphere in the womb or what Dr. Karp calls the "fourth trimester."

Dr. Karp gives you super simple steps which incorporate the 5S's to get your child to start sleeping great quickly.  That is what we all truly want, I know we agree on that. When the kids sleep well, we sleep well..yay...everyone is happy.
  Dr. Harvey Karp has made doctors applaud and parents cheer with his simple but effective solutions to centuries-old problems such as colic and tantrums. Now, in THE HAPPIEST BABY GUIDE TO GREAT SLEEP: Simple Solutions for Kids from Birth to 5 Years (William Morrow Paperback; On-Sale: March 19, 2013; $15.99; ISBN: 9780062113320), Dr. Karp solves the #1 problem plaguing new parents: pure exhaustion.  We all know it, right?  

Dr. Karp’s has some fascinating insights like:
  • Train brand new babies to sleep better: Infants can be taught to sleep at least one extra hour from the first weeks of life! Dr. Karp shows how to safely increase baby sleep in just days.
  • The best white noise and which ones to avoid: Low pitched and rumbling white noise is the holy grail for good sleep...even with teething...for all babies. Advantage:  Mom and Dad can sleep too!
  • Always wake a sleeping baby: Babies must learn how to self-soothe. The best way to teach babies how to fall back to sleep—when they rouse in the middle of the night—is to wake them a tiny bit just as they’re being put into bed.
  • All the Benefits and none of the risks of swaddling: Swaddling totally improves a new baby’s sleep.  Smart moms like you should do it and Dr. Karp will teach you how to do it properly and safely.
  • Blackout those computer, tv and smartphone screens: Staring at bright screens at night can really do a number on a toddler and a parent’s sleep.
  • E-Z “no-cry” tips that end infant and toddler bedtime struggles in less than a week!
With The Happiest Baby Guide To Great Sleep, you can erase from your mind all those horror stories you have heard about months of sleep deprivation.  Forget about your baby having to cry themselves to sleep. Backed by compelling science, common sense and decades of experience, Dr. Karp’s landmark guide pretty much revolutionizes how millions of children will be drifting off to dreamland including your own baby and toddlers. You can order The Happiest Baby Guide To Great Sleep book here.
I am participating in a book review campaign with One2One Network. I received this book from Harper Collins for the purposes of reviewing it. I have not received compensation. My participation in the campaign enters me into a drawing for a gift card. All opinions stated are my own.

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