
Monday, April 8, 2013

StrongMoms® Empowment #StrongMomsEmpower

It is such a challenge to be a mom today. Working, staying at home, juggling it all either way you do it.  We all have a different story, but it is the same story.  We try our best to make the decisions we hope work the best for our family.  There are a million judges out there all waiting to tell us we are wrong, we are not smart enough, we don't know the right thing to do.

I say you do what you think is right for your family and you.  For me, this means squeezing in 3-4 times a week at night and Saturday monring at the gym in between work and family. My hubby squeezes in his Ultimate Frisbee games/practices in season as well and maybe a gym day or two. Does my child do a few less activities than some of the other kids? Sure. Are we happier and healthier as a family?  Yes 200%. Do I feel guilty sometimes?  Sure. Do we eat at McDonalds and Burger King?  Never. Do we cook healthy meals almost 7 nights a week from scratch?  Absolutely.  Do I buy organic meat, veggies, fruits, wild salmon and tuna and canned items that are organic BPA free whenever possible?  Definitely. Everyone chooses what feels good to you.  It is weird to some parents but it makes us happy and I hope will help us live longer and healthier lives.  

Check out some of these parenting stories like this one "Dear Mom on the iPhone" and  tell me what you think. Lord it is hard to be a parent today.

Don't forget to go to and take the pledge yourself to do the best you can and make your own best choices.  

Disclosure: I am participating in a blog campaign with One2One Network. I have not received any payment. All opinions are my own.

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