
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief Giveaway & Review

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post through Zicam.  I received no compensation for this post. I received Zicam in order to review it and share this information with you.
Boy, spring allergies are in full bloom (haha) for me and it seems like everyone else I know! All I was doing all day was sneezing. It stinks too because when I sneeze it is like 25 times and not tiny little sneezes. The worst is when I am driving on the all the time. I am so petrified I am going to have an accident!

The timing was perfect when Zicam contacted me about a new product to help spring allergies:  Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief.  It is a no drip liquid nasal gel that really has been helping relieve my congestion and stop those sneezing fits that seemed to come on several times a day.  They actually have two varieties of the Zicam.  Zicam Intense Sinus Relief and Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief.
  They are both rated as ***** star products on which I think says a lot. I always take the time to review products on Amazon or when they work for me. Nice to know others do the same, right?

Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief helps to soothe your nose with aloe vera and the medicine helps to shrink those swollen nasal membranes and clear up your nose.  I love several things about it too:

  • Lasts up to 12 hours
  • Antihistamine and steriod free
  • Non-drowsy
  • Temporarily relieves nasal congestion and sinus pressure due to upper respiratory allergies, common colds, sinusitis and hay fever
  • Available in the mass market, pharmacies and grocery stores everywhere for about $11
Check out Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief on Facebook to get some helpful tips, see new product announcements and enter their giveaways!  Meanwhile, enter my giveaway below to win your own Zicam Extreme Congestion Relief.a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I think zycam will keep my head clearer and allow me to breathe easier.

  2. It will help clear my sinuses.

  3. I hope it will decrease nasal congestion.

  4. Zicam is good for clearing my sinuses.

  5. less congestion and breathing easier

  6. I'm hoping it will help with the nasal congestion

    lilyoaddj3 at gmail dot com

  7. pinterest follower donna cheatle
