
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Allergies? MyAllergyTest Giveaway and Review

Disclaimer:  I received MyAllergyTest® from ImmuneTech complimentary in order to review and share my honest experiences.  As always, my opinions are my own.
I see a dermatologist when I am desperate on occasion. He has proposed those allergy tests for all my pesky rashes that I get from who knows what. Each time I chicken out because who wants to have all those things on your back and no shower for eeeek 3 days or something????? Eeew.  Some of my friends won't even go to the dermatologist because even with insurance those co-pays can be expensive!  I kept feeling guilty because I knew I had to find out what really causes my itchy throat, my watering eyes and not to mention that non-stop sneezing but I just didn't want to deal with it!

I was excited to get the opportunity to try MyAllergyTest® from ImmuneTech complimentary because there is none of that no shower for 3 days nonsense!   It is the first and only at-home allergy test that will allow you, with one little tiny finger prick, to find out if you are allergic to any or all of the 10 most common allergens it tests, including specific foods, animals, inhalants, or environmental allergens.  I love that MyAllergyTest® provides the information you really need in just 3 easy steps to help you stop suffering from allergies.  You might be wondering about the accuracy of an at home test.  I saw on their website FAQ page that MyAllergyTest is clinically proven to be as accurate as other standard laboratory testing systems. The MyAllergyTest laboratory tests your blood with a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared allergy testing method. I was very reassured by that information.
MyAllergyTest® will test your blood for the 10 most common allergens:
  • Timothy Grass
  • Bermuda Grass
  • Mountain Cedar
  • Short Ragweed
  • Mold (alternaria)
  • Egg Whites
  • Milk
  • Wheat
  • Cat
  • House Dust Mites
MyAllergyTest® provides everything you need from included in the cost of the kit:
  • the components for the collection of your blood sample
  • mailing it to the lab (postage paid)
  • your lab test results
  • personalized allergy plan based on those results   
The kit is available nationwide at Walmart, Walgreens, and Meijer in the pharmacy department at the very reasonable retail price of $49.95.
MyAllergyTest® comes with complete instructions,  a registration and personal information card, an alcohol prep pad, two single-use safety lancets, a funnel, a blood collection tube, one adhesive bandage, a pre-paid return envelope, a bio-hazard zip lock bag, and bar code labels.  Everything is in that little box you need to find the answers you really need to know!

It actually was pretty easy to collect the blood sample--you totally can do it. As I always say, if Glamamama can do it, you can do it! You just shake your hand a little to get your blood flowing into the hand, stick your finger with the lancet, massage your hand and finger to get the blood into the tube.  It really didn't even hurt. All you have to do is follow the easy diagrams to choose the proper finger and where to prick it with the safety lancet. Then you follow the instruction to funnel the blood into the collection tube. That is it..really super simple.  Make sure you fill out the registration card, stick the label codes on the tube, slide the tube into the bio-hazard bag and place everything in the prepaid return envelope and mail it out via the USPS. 

Once ImmuneTech receives your blood sample, they will analyze it in 7-10 days. you will receive an email or postal mail with your results and a MyAllergy Plan that will provide you with helpful tips.  They even include links to products that can help you better manage your allergies.

The kit was really easy to use.  I am hopeful it will help me manage my allergies better Now that i know more about my specific allergy triggers.  I think it was so much easier and much less of a headache (never mind less costly too!) using MyAllergyTest® instead of dealing with two visits to a dermatologist and no showers.  I would definitely recommend it to you if you are struggling with allergies and want to find out the source and address it properly.  This is the way to do it.

You can find out more by visiting their  Facebook page or checking out their website.        
 a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm actually not a big fan of body washes, although I kinda think that question was probably for another giveaway. Allergy-wise, I am curious to know about my tolerance for wheat and dairy.

  2. @Naomi..thanks...I just corrected that issue.

  3. I suspect that my husband has allergies and would love to test him at home. We are thinking some type of food or airborne allergy is causing his constant postnasal drip.
