
Monday, August 26, 2013

A Healthier Leaf: Eat Green Tea Review

Disclaimer:  I received a sample of EatGreenTea through Tomoson for review purposes. As always, my opinions are my own.
Do you drink green tea?  I love to drink green tea and thought I was getting tons of health benefits every time I drank it. I started drinking tea years ago but switched to green tea because of the supposed health benefits. I was kind of surprised to hear that recent data indicates that most of the powerful antioxidants found in green tea leaves are not extracted during the brewing process.  Who knew?  When you throw away tea leaves after brewing your tea, you are throwing away most of the nutrition. So what is a girl to do?  To get the full health benefits of green tea you need to eat the whole leaf. It doesn't sound very appetizing, right?  Wrong! Keep reading and believe in Glamamama.
You just need to think I am a total convert now, not that I didn't enjoy green tea for years now but.... makse 100% organic edible green tea that is super easy to blend and add to any kind of recipe. Think about all the yummy recipes you can make!  Green Tea Chocolate Bundt Cake....Organic Green Tea Latte...Caribbean Kid Friendly Green Tea Smoothie... and more! That is where EatGreenTea comes in.
But consider some important things when you decide you are going to start EATING green tea instead of simply drinking it to really get the anti-oxidant benefit. You need to be more concerned about what is IN the tea leaves.  You want to really be helping your body and your immune system, right?  Think about some things here.

EatGreenTea collected samples from organic farms all over the world and had them analyzed at an independent lab for the presence of heavy metals. They chose the farm that had the purest tea leaves they could find anywhere to produce the tea leaves for EatGreenTea. That is the product that I am excited to share with you here that I am eating, EatGreenTea.  I love that I can shop right on their own website or on of my favorite places in the world to shop.

There are tons of recipes on their website that show you easy ways to enjoy EatGreenTea. You can mix it in, sprinkle it on top or blend it into just about anything you eat to add the health benefits of pure, organic green tea..  I really love it in the smoothies. You can create your own smoothie or be adventurous and try one of the great recipes from their website. One of my all-time fave smoothie recipes is the following:

Mint-Chocolate Green Tea Smoothie

1 frozen banana
1 serving
1 tbl organic chocolate syrup (Try Whole Foods or Trader Joes)
1 cup or more fresh, organic spinach or baby spinach leaves
1/4 cup fresh organic mint leaves 
1/2 tsp organic vanilla extract
1/4 cup organic Greek Yogurt
ice cubes to taste
Blend it all together and enjoy!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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