
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Back To School Survival Tips from Claritin and Glamamama

Disclosure: "As a member of the Children's Claritin Mom Crew, I receive product samples and promotional items to share and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest and reflect my actual experience."

Yo mamas, it is Back To School time already, can you believe it?  I have lots of good tips to save you time and money so keep reading!  We always need to make sure we are prepared for anything that comes our way so every bit of help counts when it is back to school survival, all of us mamas know it is never ever mama for is one mama helping another, right?  I was happy to get some great Back-to-School allergy tips from my friends at Claritin that I could share with my mom friends like you online and in person. Check out all the great tips on allergies plus my own great back-to-school advice from back-to-school shopping tips to lunch box inspirations.

Back to School Allergy Tips 
1. Be sure to have Children’s Claritin, the #1 pediatrician-recommended non-drowsy allergy brand, on hand!

2. Multi-vitamins are building blocks to having a strong immune system. Make taking a multi-vitamin part of your child’s daily routine. Mine love the NatureMade gummies!
3. Let there be light! Mold doesn't like sunlight, so try to keep your curtains open during the day. Should be easy during the summer and fall months!
4. Did you know that most pillows trap allergens, dust mites, and bacteria? Monitor the cleanliness of the pillow your child with allergies sleeps on and replace if necessary. Buy an extra one so you are not always washing too!
5. Back to school season means lots of laundry for many moms. Be sure to remove laundry from the washing machine promptly. Set a timer if you need to. Allowing wet clothes to sit in the washer means mold can quickly grow there.
6. Monitor pollen counts and adjust outdoor before and after school activities accordingly. Dry, windy days can be particularly high in pollen.
7. Showering or bathing at the end of the day as opposed to the morning can be helpful in removing allergens from body surfaces and hair.
8. Stay hydrated! Always send your child to school with a bottle of water. Drinking lots of clear fluids through the day can help get rid of toxins and flush them out the body.
9. Don't forget the healthy lunch, mama. Many fresh fruits and veggies taste more fun when you pop them on a skewer and keep the colors bright. Yellow and red peppers, cherry tomatoes, grapes, small pieces of cheese.... 
9. Peak pollen production typically occurs in early morning, so try to plan outside activities at other times of the day.

I also got a few goodies to and in person. I received 5 Back to School "Survival Kits" from Claritin as  a member of the Claritin Mom Crew which made it easier for me and several of my mom friends in my neighborhood to manage the chaos of back-to-school. Everyone loved them.  All my friends are so like me...we get overwhelmed and are forever writing notes to ourselves and losing birthday invites.  The kits were met with sincere enthusiasm.  Julie said, "Aaah, now I have no excuse to not R.S.V.P for the next bday party since it is going to be on my refrigerator with that big magnet clip!"  Barb was so happy because she gave her daughter Kate all her post it notes for school and needed a new supply.  Thanks Claritin!

The kits included:
  • (5) Back to School "Survival Kit" Pass-Along Packs including:
    • Children's Claritin post-it notes (Mom, Don't forget now!)
    • Children's Claritin shopping list notepad (cheese, fruit, veggies)
    • Children's Claritin refrigerator magnet clip (birthday parties!)
    • Children's Claritin pen (write your notes!!)
    • Children's Claritin/KaBOOM! voting reminder cards (charity!)
  • Back-to-School allergy tips to share with online and offline friends
  • Back-to-School E-card to share with Moms online 
Here is your own Back-to-School E-card so you can share with all your local mom friends too! Simply insert the E-card image into an email, add your own personal message, and email it to your fellow moms to wish them a productive school year! Don't forget the descriptive subject line like “From One Mom to Another- Best Wishes for a Great School Year!”

Here's a giant sparkling wish that your new school year is a success for all your children and you mama. Remember to keep Children's Claritin, the #1 pediatrician- recommended non-drowsy allergy brand, on hand for all those pesky allergies.

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