
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cystex Cranberry Urinary Health Complex and Kegeling...Giveaway and Some Great Ideas for Ladies

Disclaimer:  I received a tee shirt and Cystex Cranberry Liquid Supplement complimentary in order to evaluate it. As always, my opinions are my own.
I know this is not something many women sit down and think about on a regular basis but it is actually really important. I know so many women in their 40's and 50's who have weak bladders. You know what that means.  All those ads out there for feminine products that are directed at providing a temporary fix. Did you know you can really do something permanent that is NON-SURGICAL to help yourself?
Your bladder really does matter so it’s time to join Cystex® and Kegel your way to better bladder health. It’s easy to get a stronger, better bladder with daily Kegel exercises that can be done while you’re doing just about anything else and no one knows you’re doing them– so there’s no excuse.  I know a friend who does them while she is out walking with her friend everyday. It works for her!
Kegeling can be done by squeezing and holding your pelvic floor muscles up and in.  Most healthcare professionals suggest Kegeling regularly for ten seconds three times a day, to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles in a pre-emptive defense of many bladder issues.

Still not convinced you should Kegel?  Watch and share the cute new Cystex “I’m Kegeling!  Are You?” music video to see just how easy it is.  You can see it below too! You can also print or view a how-to-Kegel guide and more information at

Besides daily Kegel exercises, Cystex Cranberry UrinaryHealth Complex can help promote better bladder health.  It is a sugar-, dairy-, and gluten-free daily supplement that tastes great and boosts urinary tract health.  The unique Proantinox® cranberry formula can end the cycle of infection for those who are unfortunately prone to recurrent urinary tract infections, and can be found nationwide at drug chains and mass market retailers, including Walmart, Walgreens, Rite Aid and Duane Reade for a suggested retail price of $9.95 (7.6 fl oz). 
You can get all the updates on Cystex by following them on Facebook. You never know what goodies they have for their followers! Don't forget to enter the giveaway below!


  1. I knew that Cystex was good for bladder infection but I didn't know that there were exercises to help. This is a wonderful thing I will have to look into no more dribbles from sneezing lol.

  2. I agree with Wanda. I have drips quite often from coughing, sneezing, running, jumping. So I think that this will definitely help.

  3. I work as a waitress and it's so bad sometimes. I truly hope this could help...
