
Monday, October 28, 2013

Calling All Moms: Moms, Win A Day Off from Purex

Disclaimer: I received this information through the Purex Insiders. I received an opportunity to win a $25 giftcard for sharing this contest information with you. As always, my opinions are my own.

The Moms, Win a Day Off Sweepstakes has launched! Purex knows all moms work hard and they want to really  salute us with a GREAT GIVEAWAY.  We all deserve a much-needed day off, and the Purex brand would like to provide it!  Sometimes I dream about kicking back and just playing hooky for the day, going out to a luxe lunch after a morning at a beautiful spa but I always feel guilty about spending all that money.  I will do the occasional mani-pedi and every once in a while a massage but never the whole 9 yards.  I love the idea that Purex is willing to give a mama the opportunity to dispense with all the guilt and have a dreamy special day.

Do you think I even hesitated for one second before I entered this contest?  No way sister. I was in like Flynn. I entered right and away and you can too....WIN a day off for yourself or nominate another deserving Mom. One Grand Prize winner will receive a maid service to handle all the house cleaning and laundry, a sitter and get dinner delivered while you are out getting a Mani-Pedi. You can enter the Moms, Win a Day Off Sweepstakes here.


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