
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers $50 Giftcard Giveaway and Review

Disclaimer: The Del Monte products, information, gift pack, and gift card have been provided by Del Monte.  I was provided with complimentary samples of Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers in order to review them and provide my opinions. As always, my opinions are my own.

Aaah, back to school....what could be more fun than trying to figure out some healthy and fun lunch and snack ideas?  Not really.  If you are a busy mom on the go, working or juggling several kids and all that good kind of stuff it can get challenging. Sometimes when I am working, driving around from client to client I rack my brain trying to think of novel, healthy snack ideas. It really is so hard sometimes.  

I was thrilled to received a box with a winning snack idea from Del Monte this past week,  It fit all my requirements as far as healthy and my little one jumped right on it asking, "What is that?"  "Can I have one NOW?"  Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers look really fun and colorful and definitely appeal to kids and tweens.  

I love that they are 100% made in the U.S.A. too!  Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers contain 1 ½ servings of fruit or fruit and veggies and are an excellent source of vitamins A and C.  In addition, Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers contain no artificial flavors or high fructose corn syrup. This is one of my huge sticking points. I just LOVE that they have nothing artificial including that yucky HFCS!
But, trust me… you the kids can't tell that they are good for you!  Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers  pack a 1-1/2 serving of veggies and/or fruits into those little packages, depending on the variety you choose.  I don't know how they do it but they do.   The best part is that they are delicious! My little one's favorite is Peach Mango.  She just loves mango so she was very excited about that variety.  She told me that its fun at school during snack time to pop the lid off and squirt them right into your mouth.  I guess the other kids were asking her where her mom got them the first day she brought them in.  I was laughing because she remembered that I told her that they are available at Walmart.  She was telling all her friends.  
One of the other things that I love about  Del Monte Fruit Burst™ Squeezers is that they have LOTS of varieties. My little one likes to try different tastes and flavors so it keeps things fresh with all the options available. Check them out:
                Fruit + Veggie Varieties:
-          Peach-Mango: Pear puree concentrate, water, pumpkin juice concentrate, peach puree concentrate, pear juice concentrate, carrot juice concentrate, carrot puree, mango puree concentrate, natural flavors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid.
-          Blueberry: Pear puree concentrate, water, pumpkin juice concentrate, pear juice concentrate, natural flavors, carrot puree, blueberry puree concentrate, fruit and vegetable extracts for color, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid.

Simply Fruit Varieties:
-          Apple Cinnamon: Pear puree concentrate, water, apple puree concentrate, pear juice concentrate, natural flavors, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), cinnamon, malic acid.
-          Mixed Berry: Pear puree concentrate, water, pear juice concentrate, natural flavors, strawberry puree, red raspberry puree concentrate, blueberry puree concentrate, fruit and vegetable extracts for color, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), malic acid.
-          Strawberry: Pear puree concentrate, water, pear juice concentrate, strawberry puree concentrate, natural flavors, carmine, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), malic acid.
Would Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers make a great snack or lunchbox addition in your house? Which variety would your child(ren) like the most?
As I mentioned, they are available at  Walmart.  Don't forget to add Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezers to your cart while picking up essentials for your family!  You can follow Del Monte and Fruit Burst Squeezers on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter.  I always like to follow my faves, you never know what goodies they provide to loyal fans!
Don't forget to enter my Rafflecopter giveaway to win your own Del Monte Fruit Burst Squeezer Gift Pack PLUS $50 Gift Card to Walmart!a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. The fruit squeezers would be a great way to get my kids to eat more fruit. They would like the Peach Mango Squeezers.

  2. The fruit squeezers would make a perfect addition to my kiddos lunchbox...much easier to get their fruit serving in. They would probably enjoy the Mixed berry!!


  3. The fruit squeezers would honestly be perfect for my husband and I. We are expecting our first little one and won't have time to be preparing and cooking food for awhile and instead of grabbing candy, we would rather grab this! I would definitely give this to me daughter when she got older too!

    ❤️, brittney @ true vintage love

  4. I think the strawberry one would be good. I don't have a photo.

  5. strawberry sounds good

  6. This would be great for my son's lunchbox. He would like the Peach Mango Squeezers

  7. These would be great for my kids lunch, I think they would most enjoy the apple cinnamon.

  8. I think my grandsons would most enjoy the Strawberry flavor.

  9. Heather Hayes PanjonOctober 4, 2013 at 7:28 AM

    The Fruit Squeezers Would Make A Healthy Delish Lunchbox Option, The Kids Would Love The Strawberry Flavor!

  10. Heather Hayes PanjonOctober 4, 2013 at 7:28 AM

    I'm Following On Pinterest:

  11. I would love to have the fruit squeezers for my lunch...they look yummy

  12. the peach/mango would be Olivers fave

  13. Yes, and we'd love to try the blueberry!

  14. I would say the Peach-Mango would be our favorite.

  15. yes they would make a great snack for my kiddo to put in his lunch box! They would love mango

  16. I think the apple cinnamon fruit squeezers sound great since it's autumn right now :) But they all sound good!

  17. Oh Carter would love these! Would be great to take when we travel to the relatives! I think he would love the Apple Cinnamon the most!

  18. I don't have any kids, but I think I would love the Peach Mango Squeezers! I love anything mango flavored.

    nomfreebies at hotmail dot com

  19. These would be great in lunchboxes! My kids would like the mixed berry
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  20. My kiddos would love the Strawberry flavor! They would work great in their lunches!

  21. the mixed berry would be a great snack!

  22. It would be great for lunch and we would like Apple Cinnamon.


  23. leah stobe on rafflecopterNovember 2, 2013 at 10:17 PM

    It would have to be strawberry! Everyone in my house (including me)loves strawberry!

    leah stobe on facebook
