
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Green Giant “Raise a Giant" $25 Gift Card Giveaway and Bully PreventionCampaign #MyBlogSpark

“Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant® through MyBlogSpark.”  As always, my opinions are my own.
 It is back to school time and I know many schools communicate often about bully prevention. Many moms have concerns about bullying with all the stories in the news and maybe even personal experiences.  With this in mind, Green Giant recently launched a timely “Raise a Giantbully-prevention campaign to address the issue head on.  

You Can Help Spread The Word To Stand Up to Bullying

1. Write a letter to your child or children about standing up to bullying and post it in the Green Giant letter gallery and share it with others.
2. Encourage your friends and family to write their own letters and post them at RaiseAGiant
3. Share the Raise a Giant Video, Infographic, and Tips For Talking To Your Kids About Bullying on your blog, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter accounts.
4. Change your Facebook profile picture to the Raise A Giant icon to help spread the word. With your encouragement we can help all of our kids create a safer, happier world.

Here is my own letter to my child:

Dear Little One,

The world is still such a wonderful place for you.  It is a wonderful place! Thank goodness we have not encountered any serious issues with bullying. There are plenty of fantastic people out there but there are bullies. There are kid bullies and adult bullies. I know you are surprised. The kid bullies grow up into adult bullies. That is why I teach you every day to stand up for yourself so that when, not if, you encounter one you can learn how to manage them.  It is so important. You need to learn now so that when you are grown up you know how to manage them too!  
I know how smart you are and what a fantastic friend you are to so many people. I want to make sure you always talk to me and tell me your stories.  Sometimes the stories may not be so good but I want to know them.  As I have told you many times before, when I know something, I can help out.  If I don't know about it, I can't help guide you.  Remember this as you grow up and keep talking to me. I am pretty smart,  I have done and experienced all the things you are right now.  Maybe we didn't have iphones but as I have said before the play stays the same....the players may change and the technology, but all the other things just replay themselves over and over. Remember your smart mama and how she can help!


Green Giant has been around for many years and I trust their healthy veggies. At Green Giant they know getting kids to eat those healthy vegetables is just one part of make sure they grow up healthy.  I am sure there are many moms and dads that work at Green Giant just like every other company.  They worry about their kids just like we do!  
Bullying is a big concern today that can really affect kids’ health and happiness.  With it primetime in all the local and national news, as moms we all know that too.  Green Giant decided to partner with PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center and We Day Minnesota to help kids learn how to prevent, stop and cope with bullying.  They want to support parents in helping to raise kids who are strong inside and out and that is a smart idea! 
You can follow Green Giant and the campaign through all your fave social networking sites as well like Facebook.
Don't forget to enter my great Rafflecopter giveaway for $25 gift card below!a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love that Green Giant is participating in this!!!


  2. I like that you can write your own letter on the web site.

  3. My favorite thing is reading the letters

  4. I like you can write a letter while you are there

  5. I love how its all green and how stories are shared. its sweet

  6. I loved reading the letters and watching the video!

  7. I liked reading the letters. So sweet!

    nomfreebies at hotmail dot com

  8. I really enjoyed reading the letters!

  9. I like the writing a letter idea.


  10. I loved that you can write your own letter!
