
Monday, October 28, 2013

Like Purex and Win More Time for Mom Sweepstakes from Purex

Disclaimer: I received this information through the Purex Insiders. I received an opportunity to win a $25 giftcard for sharing this contest information with you. As always, my opinions are my own.

The Like Purex and Win More Time for Mom Sweepstakes has launched!  With the kids back in school, that means a tiny bit more time for Mom to shop, maybe scrapbook, get to the gym or out for a run....maybe even read a book!  Maybe you will take a minute to Like the Purex brand on Facebook and enter to WIN one of the weekly prizes today including a shopping spree!  Sounds dreamy right?  Purex knows all moms work hard inside and outside of the house whatever they do and they want to really reward us with a GREAT GIVEAWAY. 

Of course I entered right and away and you can too....enter for your chance to win now. You can enter the  Like Purex and Win More Time for Mom Sweepstakes here.


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