
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Truvia Natural Sweetener Sample and Share #SweetSwitch

Disclaimer:  I received samples of Truvia Natural Sweetener complimentary through Crowdtap.  As always, my opinions are my own.
I was recently selected to participate in a Truvia Natural Sweetener Sample and Share.  Have you heard about Truvia yet?  It is a fairly new all natural sweetener that you can use for most anything.  I was excited to receive this pretty exclusive opportunity to try some Truvia Natural Sweetener and share it with friends.  

The brand really wants to know what real people think about some of the newer sweetener options out there, like Truvia.  I was familiar with Truvia, but I had never tried the Sweet Switch before.  Here was my big opportunity to pull a fast one on my friends. I have used Truvia before and find it to be a good alternative to sugar especially when I am counting the calories.  Some of my friends are just so loyal to their sugar...I think it will be fun to swap in some Truvia instead of their go-to sugar product and see what they think! 
So Dan was really surprised when he tried his coffee the other day when we we chatting and catching up.  I showed him what I had done and waved the Truvia packet in front of him after he drank his coffee and told me it tasted delicious. He didn't even realize it was Truvia instead of his usual sugar. He said he would definitely use it again because it tasted great. He wasn't aware that it just tasted THAT good that he wouldn't be able to tell.
You can check out Truvia on Crowdtap and see what you think! You can get in on the #SweetSwitch conversation with the TruFan Community on Crowdtap just like I did.

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