
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Truvia Natural Sweetener Brunch Party Experience #SweetSwitch from Crowdtap

Disclaimer:  I received samples of Truvia Natural Sweetener, Folger's coffee, Smucker's jam, a coffee mug and an apron complimentary through Crowdtap in order to share my experiences baking and using the products including Truvia.  As always, my opinions are my own.
I was recently selected to participate in a Truvia Natural Sweetener Brunch Party.  Have you heard about Truvia yet?  It is a fairly new all natural sweetener that you can use for most anything. It actually tastes great.  You heard right my friends. It tastes great AND it is all natural.  I was excited to receive this pretty exclusive opportunity to try Truvia Natural Sweetener and share it with friends by hosting a fun brunch.  
The Truvia brand really wants to share their sweetness with people who didn't know there are natural  options out there that are on par with sugar but let you cut the calories.  It can be kind of confusing these days with all the products out there so I was glad to bake some goodies and share with friends to let them see the goodness in Truvia.  I was familiar with Truvia, but I had never tried baking with it before. Just coffee and tea.  It tastes great in coffee and tea....that I did know.  I have used Truvia before and find it to be a good alternative to sugar especially when I am counting the calories.  Some of my friends are just so loyal to their was fun to swap Truvia for my sugar when I baked and see the results come out so beautifully. Look at those muffins...they tasted as good as they looked and everyone wanted the recipe too.
We had the brunch at my house on a Sunday morning so it was relaxed and easy.  I actually made two kinds of muffins...the ones above are Apple Cinnamon and then I also made Cranberry Orange ones from the Truvia website.  Both varieties of muffins were baked with the Truvia Baking Blend. They came out great too.  I made a beautiful fruit platter with strawberries, melon, mandarins and kiwi too.

Of course I prepared a giant pot of Folger's Gourmet Selections Vanilla Biscotti Coffee. The coffee went perfectly with the muffins.  Everyone was amazed that the muffins tasted so good made with the Truvia. Paola and Ellen had never had Truvia before and they both said they would be going to buy it the next time they went shopping. They could not tell the difference!  Gary and Tammie had never heard of Truvia before but they thought my muffins tasted great.  Tammie tried it in her coffee and thought it blended just like sugar.  She also said she would try it at home as well.

I had an amazing bunch of goodies to create a  great brunch for my friends and neighbors.  I am appreciative that Crowdtap and Truvia partnered for this wonderful opportunity and shared it with me.  

 You can check out Truvia on Crowdtap and see what you think! You can get in on the #SweetSwitch conversation with the TruFan Community on Crowdtap just like I did.

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