
Thursday, December 26, 2013

2014: New Year, New You Innovative 5:2 Diet and Exercise Plan {Giveaway 2 winners}

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. Disclaimer:  I received a copy of the ebook complimentary.

You all know that I am way into health and fitness. I was interested when I heard about something new that Niclas Brunnegard had created called 5:2 and Training.  It really sounded compelling and I was curious to see what it was all about.

Niclas is an enthusiastic proponent of the 5:2 Diet along with a good exercise plan. He has shown how well it has worked for him and others in his e-book. This is a plan that is totally designed to make you feel good...long term. Not a short term quick fix. The great thing is that the plan claims you may Live Longer! Live Healthier! 

Niclas Brunnegård teaches you step by step the benefits of the 5:2 Diet along with exercise programs and meal plans to help reach your goals of living healthier and stronger in his easy to read e-book.  This is for anyone--young, seniors, moms....wait to you see his before and after photos...that sure motivated me!  He looks fantastic. The meal plans he shares with you give you the proper amount of proteins and nutrients for fasting days.  Yup...2 days a week are "fasting days."  That is all part of the master plan.

Niclas Brunngård developed these super exercise plans that give you a 5:2 workout through high-intensity movements that benefit and compliment the 5:2 diet perfectly.  You even get links to video tutorials by his personal trainer, Michael Hansson Sjöö, and specially designed web apps to help you along.  They make it very easy to follow.  I am hoping that they will be adding translations in other languages soon which would be even better!

Niclas had gained weight a while back and was so out of shape he couldn't even play his fave sport anymore. He got fed up and researched a method to lose weight and become healthy just by making a few simple lifestyle changes.  The 5:2 diet changed his life completely. Niclas created this e-book from rigorous studies in the science behind Michael Mosley’s original 5:2 diet plan.

Niclas created a specialized 5:2 workout to maximize the benefits of the whole 5:2 plan. He then developed and tested the perfect meal plans to get you through your 2 calorie-restricted days so you feel super the whole day.  Have you heard about 5:2 diet and have wanted to try it?  Niclas says that even if you haven't, if you want to learn about some of the potential health benefits you should consider it. Think about some of the potential benefits that Niclas says can see a benefit like lowering your risk or resistance to stroke, heart disease, blood sugar, insulin levels, cholesterol,  Type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson’s, cancer, Alzheimer’s, Insulin resistance, and kidney disease, then you need to read this book.  He shares links to scientifically researched studies show how these benefits through 5:2 can happen for you.

The author shares information about slowing aging and increasing longevity and memory with the 5:2 diet and 5:2 workout.  Age doesn't matter and he has a special section that addresses those aged 60 and above.5:2 is really very simple.  I thought it was easy to understand and to follow.  Check out this e-book and learn how the positive benefits of 5:2 will help you with Niclas Brunnegård.

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below. TWO winners will receive a code to redeem for a free e-book to start out 2014 with a bang.a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time I've heard of the 5:2 Diet. I'm very interested to find out more.
