
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Review: The Mommy M.D. Guide to Pregnancy and Birth

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of the book complimentary in exchange for a review and my honest opinions. As always, my opinions are my own.
Are you expecting a baby soon or know someone who is?  If yes, The Mommy M.D. Guide to Pregnancy and Birth is a must-have! It is very different from most of those pregnancy guides that you see in the bookstores or online.  It is filled with real tips and advice from Rallie McAllister, M.D. and 60 other M.D.'s who are also moms.  You won't find any quackdoodle advice here...just sensible and realistic tips.  I love it. 
The book is set up with one chapter per week of pregnancy plus a few extra chapters of advice for after the birth. It makes it a breeze to find the tips you need related to each stage of pregnancy...ingenious!
I so wish The Mommy M.D. Guide to Pregnancy and Birth had been available back when I was pregnant.  It is full of sage advice that makes sense.  Everything is doable I mentioned the advice masters in this book are moms AND doctors so they know all about the juggling act. 
This book is a great read for any expectant mama to-be.  I have a friend that is contemplating pregnancy soon and I know I will be adding this book to her baby shower gift basket.  It just covers it all from A to Z.   
You get all the clinical facts about the baby’s development and the changes that are taking place week by week plus, you get niblets about good products and brands, calling the doctor and even deciding on knowing or not knowing the baby's sex. The Mommy M.D. Guide to Pregnancy and Birth has 900 plus tips about everything and anything mom and baby.  I learned a lot and it brought back some happy memories of that special time.  I kept thinking, "Darn, I wish I knew that back then!" As I read the book though. Don't miss out, I highly recommend you pick this up for you or as a gift.  
You can check out the Mommy MD Guides website to learn more about the book and the author.  You can also purchase The Mommy MD Guide to Pregnancy and Birth on the website and on Amazon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Betsy, Thank you so much for reviewing our book The Mommy MD Guide to Pregnancy and Birth! I'm delighted to hear that you enjoyed it! Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your terrific blog and for helping us to get the word out about our work! Jennifer at
