
Sunday, January 5, 2014

ChagaMax and Oreganol Supplements For Health: A Review

Disclosure: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the products for review purposes. The opinions are my own, based on my personal experience with the products. Please consult your personal physician or health care practitioner prior to adding any supplements to your regimen.
I have always been a pretty healthy kind of person in general. I work out, eat a healthy diet and add supplements that vary from time to time based upon new things that I read or hear about. North American Herb & Spice recently shared with me some information and samples of ChagaMax and Oreganol P73. I had never used these supplements before and was curious about their health benefits.

I always encourage my readers to check with their physician or health care practitioner prior to adding any supplements to their health care regimen as I always do. Don't forget to do that.... Now we can talk about the exciting secrets of the forest and of nature!
Wild Chaga or ChagaMax harnesses the power of the wild, raw chaga mushroom found on wild northern birch trees. It is uniquely fortified with the super combination of wild oregano and birch bark. This is a synergistic combination that can support the health of your immune, digestive, hormonal, respiratory and cardiac systems.* The Chinese called it the "King of All Herbs" and the Siberians called it "Gift of G-d."  Those are some powerful names that go back to ancient times.  These wild, powerful foods really are amazing sources of key substances needed for human health, bio-active plant sterols, antioxidants and even enzymes.  

I didn't know that Chaga is the richest source of the all-important enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD).  It is also a source of many of the all important B and D vitamins including B12 and even trace minerals.  One of the more interesting tidbits about ChagaMax is that it helps to increase the desire for exrecise and helps support endurance and strength.*  I was able to sample the ChagaMax Vegi Caps.  I took them as directed, one capsule or more per day with or without meals.  I definitely was able to keep up with my exercise and fitness regimen and had a great day skiing yesterday.  Lot of energy.

I was also able to sample the Oreganol P73 in two forms:  The 140mg softgels and the Oreganol P73 Oil. P73 is a proprietary blend of wild, edible oregano oils from the natural spice.  P73 is a blend of the most powerful species of oregano grown wild in the Mediterranean mountains.  It grows in altitudes up to 12,00 feet above sea from rocks rich in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.  It is handpicked by local villagers who have also used and benefited from the ancient herb. It is harvested and steam distilled for purity. For thousands of years it has been relied upon as a purging herb with references all the way back to the Bible.  The softgels were easy to take and digest and I took it as or more gelcaps daily.  The oil tasted fresh and was easy to use as well...I took it as directed with two drops under my tongue once a day.  I liked that you can use the oil topically as well. I was surprised you can add the oil to salad or soups or even pizza.  I am going to try that too. I didn't realize that Oreganol oil is very relaxing.  North American Herb & Spice suggested rubbing it on your chest before a nap or bedtime. I liked that idea and found the fragrance to be really nice and it was relaxing! You can even rub it on cold hands to create heat.

I liked all of products and would continue to use them.  I think the winter can be hard on the skin and body....good to help myself in an easy to do manner.  I felt energetic and I looked good too during the week that I used both supplements together.  It is good to add some new supplements to the regimen from time to time to keep everything healthy and all systems functioning at top efficacy.

 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

1 comment:

  1. Chaga mushroom is one of the besta and powerful antioxidants in the world. The scientists documented and recommended extremely all kind of positive effects for the whole organism. In short, the Chaga Mushroom has many benefits for your health.
