
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Win $1,000 Shopping Spree from Purex to Start 2014 in Style

Disclosure: I am a member of the Purex Insiders. I am eligible to win a $25 gift card for sharing information about this wonderful giveaway.
Can you believe it is 2014? The past year just flew by once again.  Wouldn't it be something else to WIN an extra bit of cash for the new year PLUS not have to worry about budgeting for detergent at all this year? Heck, yeah!  Let Purex start your new year off in style! Purex will take care of your new wardrobe and detergent needs for all of 2014 if you are the big winner. Enter to WIN $1,000 towards a new wardrobe and a year’s supply of Purex detergent!  You can enter here to win the big giveaway!

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