
Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stocks, Bonds and Soccer Moms Book Review and Giveaway

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

No one ever told you the real story before you got married and had kids and started squeezing. You know just what I am talking about. I squeeze every single day. Squeeze a shower, breakfast, healthy meals (I really try!), gym time, hubby time, kid time, an occasional manicure or never stops. My friends that don't work pick up even more of the work at home and that is no bargain either. Are you juggling motherhood, marriage and a career like me? Whether you're a career woman  or a stay-at-home mom, you want to give your all in every part of your life.  It is a real challenge though, I must admit! Not that I don't love every minute of my life....well most of the minutes at least!

Personal time and romance are not as frequent...okay. Sometimes stress levels really get a little kooky here in my home especially when a business meeting looms and it overlaps with the big end of the year theatre performance for one of the kiddos. I just try my best to keep pedaling steady.  I will ask hubby to pick up some of the pieces and do extra when this happens. You just have to or you're gonna lose it. Michelle knows all about it and she writes about her struggles in a new book that really hits home for moms like me.

I was interested to hear about a new book by Michelle Perry Higgens that recently was launched called Stocks, Bonds and Soccer Moms.  This book brings back into focus some of the checks and balances that are critical for long term fulfillment. The nice part about the book is that is gives you 7 easy steps to bring back that better balance.

Some of the key areas the book focuses on:
  • Put the romance back in your marriage 
  • Learn to set boundaries and ask for help 
  • Let go of perfectionism and the damaging myth of the Supermom
  • The secret principle that will change everything
My thought on this book:

Michelle Perry Higgens really hits a lot of critical points for moms that we sort of put on the back burner. I think she makes some excellent points because she is coming from a place of total understanding. She isn't speaking out of her you-know-what.....she is a real mom just like you and me. She has struggled and walked the walk. She shares her visions and what has worked for her to improve her life and her marriage. Even if you only pick a few tidbits out of her book to integrate into your own life then I would consider that a home run.  She puts some great thoughts out there and I agree with her. Some of the things I have learned myself already through trial and error like asking for help. I used to try to do it all and you just end up mad and resentful. You have to ask. Give specifics too.  The guys don't get it unless you give them specific instructions on how they can help take the load off you. You both will be happier for it. You might know some of her tips but others may be new to you and it could really help you be happier and improve your relationships with your spouse and family.

I recommend you picking up Stocks, Bonds and Soccer Moms and I hope it helps you as well.  Don't forget to enter my giveaway and you could win your own copy. a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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