
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Heart On My Sleeve album from Mary Lambert #HeartOnMySleeve #O2O

I participated in the Mary Lambert Heart On My Sleeve album review program as a member of One2One Network. I was provided a free album to review but all opinions are my own.

You probably have heard of Mary Lambert by now if you haven't been living in a cave. I think her luckiest break was when she decided to take on the task of writing and singing the hook on the Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ marriage equality anthem “Same Love.” That just changed it all forever for this funky Seattle singer-songwriter who kept the lights and heat on as a brunch waitress and bartender.  The time was just right...right time for her and Mary Lambert had herself a big ole label (Capitol Records) and an EP "Welcome To The Age of My Body."  I forgot to mention that she also got nominated for two Grammy Awards “Song of the Year” and “Album of The Year." That wasn't quite enough though because she also performed on the historical Grammy telecast with Macklemore, Lewis, and Madonna, while Queen Latifah memorably married 33 same-sex couples. 

Mary Lambert is an amazing songwriter and musician with a real purpose. She had lofty goals with Heart on My Sleeve.  She wanted to do more than just create an amazing album. She insisted on creating something that positively impacted the world. Of course, she wanted to have fun doing it, stay true to herself and make a little bit of cash. Nothing wrong with that though... songwriting is hard work and she wants to do more than just squirrel it away for herself. She said, “I want to buy my mom a house. I want to start a charity that offers free mental health treatment. I want to tip brunch waitresses hundred dollar bills!"  She wants to do good with her music while making tunes that people will enjoy.  Lambert said,  “I wanted the songs to be poignant and raw, but I want to hear them on the radio. I like to describe Heart On My Sleeve as a pop album with a conscience.”  I think the album really fits her description.  

I love the way Mary writes about what she knows. All her music is straight from her heart and her life. She wrote all the lyrics and produced the album along co-producers Eric Rosse and Benny Cassette, and songwriter MoZella. Heart On My Sleeve is an honest depiction of where Lambert is now. She says,  “This year has been the best of my entire life, which is not to say it hasn't come with its fair share of hurdles, heartbreak, and harsh lessons,” she says. “I can only write about the experiences I've had. This album is inspired by the depth of all of that love, and the journey that it takes to get there. It’s a moment for me not to be a doormat anymore and to feel powerful and hopefully inspire that in other people in a way that's fun and makes people feel something. I think that's the message of the whole thing.”  You really sense that coming through on the different tracks too. I loved "Secrets."

Each song on Heart on My Sleeve shares her personal experiences like, “Be With Me,” which she wrote around the time she met her girlfriend.  You feel what she is feeling and all the emotions that accompany those new experiences.  It doesn't really matter what your sexual orientation can connect with it. You really get to peek a little bit inside Mary's soul with that song.  “So Far Away” is another song about her relationships and how she tries to makes things work long distance.  Who hasn't had a long distance romance? You feel her pain and struggles.  I just loved her cover of the classic 1980's song from Rick Springfield, “Jessie’s Girl.” It is a great song which is totally switched up in Mary Lambert's version.  It is a 2014 version which is much darker and very interesting. 

I was eager to hear the title track, “Heart On My Sleeve.” This is a love song that Lambert says summed up how she approached writing the lyrics for the album. It really fits the whole album perfectly. The album’s first single, “Secrets” is another great song that totally resonates with me. It will hit home for so many people especially teens.  The lyrics go,  "They tell us from the time we're young / To hide the things we don't like about ourselves / Inside ourselves / I'm not the only one / Who spent so long attempting to be someone else / Well I’m over it / I don't care if the world knows what my secrets are." 

Mary Lambert opens up so much in this album and you feel like you really get to know her through all her songs. The vulnerability and sharing in each song resonated with me and really added to my enjoyment of the album. This is a great first album that I think is going to resonate with alot of other people as well. Everyone has gotten stabbed in the back or been vulnerable at one time and you feel a kinship with her when she includes that in her songs. As Mary says, "There is so much shame and guilt in our society, and I think it has deprived a lot of people from living fully. We're all facing battles. We've all had someone who has hurt us, so let's talk about it. I believe vulnerability is what will save the world. I wanted to point the lens at myself in hopes of inspiring others to do the same. This song is my dirty laundry, and that's actually really freeing. Now I can walk around with accidental pieces of bagel in my bra and eat it anyway.”  Don't you just love her attitude too?  

For more information on Mary, please visit her official site
You can also follow her on Twitter  YouTube and Facebook too.  Don't forget to pre-order her newest album right on Amazon or iTunes!

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