
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Ragu Makes Dinner a Success even on the Busy Days or Evenings #NewTraDish #RaguSauceMasters

Disclosure: I was recently chosen to participate in a Ragu Sampling event through Crowdtap. I received a complimentary coupon in exchange for my honest opinion.  

So Ragu told me that it is time to take my Ragú® Sauce Master status to the next level and create a Ragú® #NewTraDish recipe of my own. That’s right, I was up for the challenge to take a few minutes to create my own delicious spin on a Ragú® classic dish to share with friends and family!

Ragu makes it easy to pull a yummy, hot meal out of the oven on any day of the week. Trust me, I am one busy momma. I work, I have kids, I cook healthy meals but it is a challenge. I need all the help I can get. Sauces like the ones Ragu has in the local supermarket make my life a lot easier. I always have them in the house.  I like to stock up when there is a sale then when I am pressed for time I can put together something yummy and homemade in a flash. It is healthier since you avoid that fast food trap too.

I boiled up some whole wheat rotini and drained it. I put it in a casserole dish and poured a container of Ragu over it. Add grated Grana Padano cheese to taste and a can of organic white beans. I added two cups of fresh organic chopped spinach and a can of organic black olives. I baked it for 25 minutes until it was bubbling then I added some low fat mozzarella on top. Dinner was delicious. I invited my friends Amy and Ben over and my tween had her friend Liz as well.  Liz's mom came later and sampled my dish as well. Everyone loved my quick creation and it was healthy to boot. Try Ragu in my easy recipe and let me know how it turns out.

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