
Friday, October 24, 2014

Secret Outlast® Completely Clean Clear Gel keeps me dry all day long even under pressure

Disclosure:  I received this deodorant for free as part of a BzzAgent product campaign. My opinions are my own.


I have been using Secret anti-perspirants for years but I also switch around with some other brands. I usually use a soft solid type of anti-perspirants though and had not tried a gel version before. I received this deodorant for free as part of a BzzAgent product campaign, so I figured I would give it a try. I am particular about my clothing and only buy high quality brands that I hope to keep for many years. A good anti-perspirant is really important to prevent damage or stains any which way you cut it.

The gel actually dries very quickly and does not get onto my expensive clothes. No marks on my darker shirts, tops or sweaters and I have plenty of them. My little uniform you might say with navy and black has a fresh light scent that is not overpowering either.

It has been keeping me dry and fresh all day long even through a recent high pressure business session. That was a real challenge I was worried I would have a problem there but it worked very nicely. I didn't notice any irritation or discomfort either and when I showered my underarm area felt clean with no residue left over. Some of the heavy duty brands are hard to get off and you have to scrub--not this one. I didn't try going for the 48 hours but I wouldn't be surprised if it lasts. I must say I also worked out one morning and I stayed fresh through that as well....I sweated alot because it was a crazy workout but I didn't notice any unpleasant odor. It did the job.

I will continue to use it...and find it to be comfortable. The big test will be when summer rolls around!  I will update you soon since I will be taking a vacation soon and it will be hot. I think that is close enough to summer to get a good idea. I bet it will work.

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