
Thursday, November 6, 2014

CRESBI Crate Collapsable Colossal Tote and Cooler for Groceries and More plus a GiVeAwAy

Disclosure:  I received a free sample of CRESBI Crate products for review purposes. As always, my opinions are my own.

I really try so hard to live a healthy lifestyle. It is a real challenge though as a busy, busy, busy working mama. Am I 100% perfect and "green" all the time? I wish I could say yes but I try everywhere I can. I always feel bad when I have those plastic grocery bags. I reuse them everywhere I can but I longed for a better solution for two reasons. I live in a large suburban area but unfortunately I have no Trader Joes or Whole Foods close to me.  My real job takes me all over the state  so I end up racing into either one TJ or Whole Foods grocery store like twice a month depending on my schedule. That is in addition to my regular grocery shopping on Saturdays after my high powered crazy challenge workout class. Sometimes I need to make a run to Kings or ShopRite during the week too. You never know.  Yup, one busy mama. I was excited to hear about CRESBI Crates foldable, packable grocery totes that are totally stashable in my trunk. They even have optional thermal inserts that zip right up and fit perfectly into the CRESBI Crates. 

A major issue is when I do my TJ and Whole Foods runs because half the time I forget my reusable bags and giant cooler...sigh...I have all these grocery bags. Even if I remember the cooler then I have to transfer all the refrigerated and frozen items into the cooler. Then I worry if I am going to get stuck in traffic and the food is going to spoil. The CRESBI Crate solves two problems with one great product.  It is a super efficient way to shop. It folds almost totally flat to store in my trunk. I have a huge reusable grocery tote with a carry strap AND a built in removable cooler insert all in one with the CRESBI Crate.  A lot of the grocery stores around here let you use the handheld scanners that read the UPC codes to create your order as you shop. I just pop open up my CRESBI Crate with my cooler insert and pop all my refrigerated and frozen stuff in the crate in the cart.  By the time I get to the register I am out of the store in a flash and I don't have to move my items from the bags to yet another cooler (that is what I USED to do in the old days!) I just zip it up and grab the colorful strap and place the CRESBI Crate in my trunk or back seat. I can also just use my CRESBI instead of the grocery store tote.  It stays cleaner because I am the only one using it either way. No worries if something spills though because CRESBI Crate goes right in the dishwasher. Easy as pie. 

If you know you do big grocery orders on a regular basis it might make sense to pick up a few CRESBI Crates to save you time and do good by the environment. I am trying to decide which CRESBI Crate package will work for me. You can get one in a variety of sizes or several. They even have carry cases.  They comes in several sizes to fit everyone's shopping needs. I think I am going to pick up one or two more since they store so flat they take up no room at all in my trunk. It folds up so easily too. It couldn't be more convenient or simple.

These open and close in a snap.  It is so easy even my tween can do it on her own.  These would be great to tote any kind of supplies you have never mind just groceries.  You can even get a dolly for it so you can roll it along if you like or carry it like a tote for small orders. 

Right now they have blue or red Colossal crates but in December they are getting tons of new fashionable colors including lime green, orange, pink and clear. You can even choose from fun strap colors just about every color of the rainbow including rainbow!  I love the way they collapse and open easily. Cresbi Crates are a fantastic concept that are really useful in tons of ways.

Enter my giveaway here to win yourself your own CRESBI Crate and start doing some good by yourself and the planet. a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really like this collapsible tote/cooler. This is such a great idea when the weather is warmer especially when you get stuck in traffic or construction on a warm day.

  2. I love my CRESBI Crates, every size crate is so useful for so many things. When we travel by car we always use our large cooler so we can snack along the way.

  3. I love my CRESBI crate as well. So easy to carry and the cooler is the best for summertime travel.

  4. Now that its daylight savings time it is dark when I get out of work. I want to get in and out of the grocery store as fast as possible and the Crespi saves me alot of time. I love it. CF

  5. I have never seen a product like this.....the tote cooler would be perfect for brining snack to my kiddos soccer games! It would keep the drinks cold.....perfect!

  6. I would give it to my daughter who is a school teacher. She is always taking things back and forth to school.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I think this would come in so handy for grocery shopping.

  9. I would use it for the beach, picnics and the store!

  10. I would use it to haul our groceries from our driveway to the house.

  11. this would be great to take while im grocery shopping by myself
