
Sunday, May 3, 2015

DRx Noze Nosebleed Relief for kids and adults #nosebleeds

If you have kids you know it is always something. Perhaps it is a cut knee, a thorn in the finger, something in their eye, a broken bone or the dreaded nosebleed. Eeeek! 300 tissues later it is resolved. Now there is a better solution. You just need to pick up DRxNoze® and keep it in the house. It is just a matter of time until you need it...probably a few days or a week at Nosebleeds are a big pain and worry for moms but homeopathic DRxNoze® was designed to stop them fast. 

Greg Dockter, RPh is the real-life pharmacist that created this novel product for kids and adults that are prone to those pesky nosebleeds. He created the product because he had been living with repeated nosebleeds his entire life. He had even tried cauterization with no success. He decided to do something about this annoying issue since it ran in his family. DRxNoze® was his solution.   Even his kids were getting frequent nosebleeds.  He actually created a natural, homeopathic solution that works!

He knew from his education that many of our best solutions in medicine have originated in nature. It is common for scientists and researchers are to look deep into the rainforest and ocean to find remedies and cures for even diseases like cancer. He wanted to use the power of nature to create a product that would stop the frustration with nosebleeds. He worked with Lenor Zeeh Pharmaceutical Experimentation Station Lab, at the University of Wisconsin-Pharmacy School to formulate a product to solve the issue. He came up with DRxNoze®
...the ideal solution.

This smart pharmacist created DRxNoze®
, a proprietary product through much scientific research that really works to stop a nosebleed in 60 seconds for most people. No packing of the nose required, no extra time out to wait for the bleeding to stop, just quick and effective control of the nosebleed.

Some common medications that are prescribed like warfarin and aspirin can cause unpleasant side effects like nosebleeds. Perhaps you know someone in this situation, or it is you. It can be a challenge to control the bleeding.  It can be a messy and frustrating situation to have this happen frequently.  With DRxNoze® 
even a younger child is able to take charge of this messy situation, all by themselves.  It is empowering people to know that they have a quick and easy solution available. 

DRxNoze® Nosebleed Relief product is something kids or adults can carry it with them everywhere. It takes away the worry about a nosebleed for kids and adults at work, at school or on the go. I love that this is a natural solution to a messy problem that every parent has seen and experienced at one time.  It is great that the kids can take care of it and feel good. It relieves the embarrassment! The best part is that whoever had the nosebleed can get back to their activity as quickly as possible.

For more information and where to buy it,  you can take a peek at the DRxNoze® 
website at:  

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