
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

LeliaSea Dead Sea Mineral Hand Cream Review + Giveaway #LeliaSea2015

I really love when my hands feel soft and look moisturized and healthy. There is nothing better than looking down at my hands and feeling great about a beautiful manicure and pretty hands. LeliaSea knows all about this because they have been creating and providing premium class amenities to some of the most luxurious hotel chains for over 20 years. You may have tried some of them over the years during one of your hotel stays. LeliaSea is the original Dead Sea Mineral Cosmetics manufacturer. If you have ever tried their products you know the luxurious results you see when you use them.

It is a lucky time for us ladies because LeliaSea has recently decided to offer it's wide range of Dead Sea Cosmetics on Amazon. The last thing I want is for someone to be able to tell my age by looking at my hands. LeliaSea understands that and has created a line of beauty products that solve that problem. LeliaSea offers the most exclusive Dead Sea products that have won critical acclaim around the world. All of their products including this lovely Dead Sea Mineral Hand Cream use the finest minerals and vitamins directly from the Dead Sea. 

The Dead Sea is renowned around the world as the deepest, densest, and most mineral-rich body of water on earth. I love that I can gain the benefits of these wonderful minerals so easily by using LeliaSea products like their Dead Sea Mineral Hand Cream. It leaves my hands soft and feeling youthful. I have noticed the cream really feels so soothing and the level of hydration is intense. After I apply it my hands feel moisturized by not greasy. My hands just feel so smooth and look youthful. This is a very effective hand cream. I like that I don't need to use a lot either, a little bit does the trick.

LeliaSea Dead Sea Minerals Hand Cream is so luxurious. LeliaSea Hand Cream includes unique ingredients from the Dead Sea that have been shown to nourish and and protect skin. I like that it makes my hands appear years younger and smoother. That is a huge benefit for me. This hand cream is replete with the unique properties of the Dead Sea Minerals, including Vitamin E. The company shared that this can support skin against damage caused by the summer sun, winter dryness and even pollution. The hand cream is not all all greasy and it absorbs quickly so my skin looks smooth and hydrated and the results last for hours. This is a hand cream that can offer welcome relief for cracked skin, "winter knuckles" eczema and even psoriasis.

If you are familiar with the luxury hotels in Nevada, you will be happy to hear that LeliaSea Hand Cream was chosen as the official VIP amenity by the Las Vegas Venetian Hotel and by over 20 more luxury chains in the USA. I love using luxury products, it feels so indulgent!

You can pick up this LeliaSea Dead Sea Mineral Hand Cream on Amazon for easy shopping anytime. You can win your own LeliaSea Dead Sea Mineral Hand Cream by entering my Rafflecopter giveaway.a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe would be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.


  1. I am a lotion addict and always have tons of bottles at the house. Lately I have been using a shea butter one that I got on sale and its very nice. I love the look of the tube in this cream it so fancy looking.

  2. This lotion sounds great. I would love to try it.

  3. This sounds amazing! It sounds like it would be an awesome lotion
    addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com
    Ashley C

  4. i think it will help my super dry skin.

    danielle marie xdanimarie(at)yahoo(dot)com

  5. I like that it has vitamin E in it. I'm sure it's a great product if the Las Vegas hotels are using it.

  6. I have really dry hands from winter - would love to try this!!

  7. I would love to try anything that will help un-dry my skin. This looks like it could very well do that.

    kneecree at gmail dot com
