
Sunday, March 6, 2016

Kara Tippetts' And It Was Beautiful: Celebrating Life in the Midst of the Long Good-Bye

Kara used to shrug herself off as ordinary but I know she sure wasn't at all.  She was one special mom who just did her very best to live every day to the fullest. She had quite a weight on her in her last years too. This was with the concrete knowledge that the sand was running out of the hourglass for her. Kara late stage  cancer but didn't let it rule her world while she lived. And live she did. Her world was according to G-d. She was blessed with a beautiful family and wonderful friends who supported her on her journey.  She shared herself openly in this book which truly touched my heart.  As you read, you only hope that you might have some of her grace and peace.  This is one book that you must read, I will be honest, with a box of tissues....but you must know her story and share it with others. She had wisdom that will make you think and hopefully you might take some actions to live your life more fully. I think if every reader took a tiny step back and considered some of the tidbits Kara shared, she would be so joyous if she knew that her story has touched and help others. You can learn more about Kara via her blog MundaneFaithfullness, and follow her on Instagram and Twitter as well. Her blog continues on through her husband Jason and her friends.

Kara Tippetts continued to walk in grace and faith even during her hardest days when life turned out differently than how she dreamed. In And It Was Beautiful: Celebrating LIfe in the Midst of the Long Good-Bye really shares her deepest thoughts and insights. The editors did a lovely job of taking bits and pieces from her blog and bringing it together in a book. You get to see the grace of the everyday that Kara always seemed to have no matter what life what serving her that day. It shows that she truly strived to live well even when the living was truly hard. You always get that sense of peace and grace because she knew no matter what that the Lord was right there with her. Through the editors, you see how Kara explores the hardest questions of life with rare beauty and honesty. Always, she draws you back to the G-d who is always present.

I liked how this book was organized into short chapters that really captured Kara's voice. I used to read her blog pretty faithfully and she had a unique voice that was recognizable anywhere. She was some kind of woman and mother. And It Was Beautiful offers so many practical reflections on life, family and dying well with the strength of G-d. Kara always lives with family and faith and that shines through. She always finds a way to find the beauty in everything no matter how hard it could be.

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