
Thursday, March 21, 2019

Don't Miss it! Apollo 11 IMAX is in theatres now! #apollo11 #sponsored #FlyBy @flybypromotions

Apollo 11 The IMAX Experience is in theatres now!

If you are a fan of space travel or just love history, this movie is a must see.  Apollo 11 features never before seen large format footage of the historical mission to land on the moon led by Commander Neil Armstrong and pilots Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. This movie is truly cinematic event that was 50 years in the making,  This is a movie that should only be experienced on the big screen.

Apollo 11 is told in the present tense so you actually feel like you are there experiencing everything in real time. This isn't what you would expect with all the typical historical interviews and nonsense. You don't see old movie clips. You actually experience the whole Apollo 11 mission itself. Wait till you see the rows and rows of techs sitting at ancient computer screens. The reality is that these were the state of the art at the time. It's like you took a step back in time and it is totally fascinating on the big screen. Todd Douglas Miller directs the movie and you will be impressed with how it was played out.

You hear Walter Cronkite in the background on and off throughout the movie along with the NASA techs and announcers speaking into these enormous headsets. It is so transformative to keep hearing that voice from beyond. You see these fantastic images of the liftoff, the landing and the departure from the surface of the moon and you become transfixed.  The moments are so thrilling even this many years later including that descent back through the Earth's atmosphere. You might find youself holding your breath. 

Apollo 11 is a must see for anyone that loves history, space or just a well directed movie about a fantastic event. You  will be wowed by the way Miller directed the movie with these startlingly vivid images in living color and how history unfolds before your eyes. You will feel transported to another time, almost like one of the lucky spectators in the parking lot watching the liftoff and landing. Get to the theater before it is gone.

“Disclosure (in accordance with the FTC’s 16 CFR, Part 255:  “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”):  Many thanks to Propeller Consulting, LLC for providing the product/product information. Opinions are 100% my own and NOT influenced by monetary compensation.  I did/will receive a sample of the product in exchange for this review and post.

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