
Monday, December 7, 2020

Glama Reviews plus a giveaway: The Loneliness Solution by Jack Eason #lonelinesssolution

This is a challenging season for many people with the holidays but this year is challenging for almost everyone. Parties are cancelled, holiday gatherings are not happening and everyone is lonely. I had a few friends over this weekend on our deck outside to exchange bagged, sealed cookies. Well, a holiday cookie exchange. It was just an excuse to see friends. We all stayed outside, we wore masks and near froze our fingers and toes but it was worth it to see some friends and just talk and laugh for a few hours. I was worrying I was starting to become a hermit. I feel so much better after hosting my safe little gathering. It’s the little things that help loneliness. This book offers some important tidbits to help combat loneliness and how to create your own community.  

● Critical for everyone, especially students this holiday break!

● Learn the obstacles to real community

● R​eimagine what real friendship looks like

● D​iscover a place of true belonging

Jack Eason has some simple but effective solutions that anyone can follow to make connections and experience more joy. 

You can pick up this amazing book perfect for gifting people of any age right now. You can buy on Amazon or through the Direct retailer link: ​

Enter to win your own copya Rafflecopter giveaway  

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