Friday, July 31, 2009

Free Sample Honey Nut Cheerios and coupon

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Tri-Luma Cream $40 rebate (melasma)

Tri-Luma®Tri-Luma® Cream is the only triple-action cream approved for the short-term and intermittent long-term treatment of moderate to severe melasma. The latest long-term safety studies confirm that Tri-Luma® Cream is safe and effective when used for longer than eight weeks and repeatedly thereafter when melasma recurs.

Fiber One 50 Calorie Yogurt $1.00 Coupon!!

New 50 Calorie Fiber One Yogurt $1.00 Coupon

Stacey's Pita Chips are great!

Have you tried these yet? They are so good and fairly low fat. Much better than chips and they come in a ton of great flavors!