
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Missy Mila Twisted Tales Volume 1 DVD Review and Giveaway

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.

Do you have a little one that loves entertaining stories?  They will love Missy Mila Twisted Tales then!  Mila is an 8-year-old quirky, energetic tomboy who shares her tales but with a little bit of a special twist. She has quite the imagination.  My little one was talking about how much she enjoyed this video all night and all morning.  She watched it last night when two of her friends were over. They were totally entertained for the course of the video.   Mila asks questions and brings the viewers into her stories throughout the DVD.  Your kids will love the format since she makes them feel like they are truly part of the story. This is actually an innovative series with a second volume available too!  Both Volume I and Volume II explore the world of classic tales in a fun way with Missy Mila 

Mila’s stories reinterprets classic tales in a very modern and silly way. She will have you laughing when you see a prince putting on his hair gel before rescuing the princess. He might even throw in some kung-fu moves there.   Mila might have those wolves in her crafty adaptation of The Three Little Pigs and perhaps they might be just a bit shy and not evil.  Why not? She will have all the kids laughing and getting silly at all her antics.  

These videos are appropriate for kids 5-8 and I think even a little older will still appreciate the fun.  They sell for $19.95 each.

Missy Mila Volume 1 includes the episodes: 

  • The Hidden Princess
  • The Toupouloupou
  • Baba Yaga the Witch
  • Djoha’s Last Lie
  • Piboule and the Bear
  • 'Strabiwolf the Telltale
  • The Donkey and the King
  • The Houses of the Pig Brothers
  • Elvis
  • Captain Bloody-Nose the Pirate
  • The Leprechaun’s Treasure
  • Aurel the Mocker
  • Pancho Pimento’s Riddle  

Missy Mila Volume 2 (which I did not receive) includes:
  • Toadette the Frog
  • Prince Gabo
  • Miss Lazy
  • Bigmess the Ogress
  • The Mermaid’s Secret
  • The Ghost Who Couldn’t Scare
  • Quentin and his Dragon
  • Tounde the Ginormous Elephant
  • Rodolphe and Carlo
  • Chantal and Noemie
  • Greedy Liza, TinytinyThe Two Tinanooks
Enter my Rafflecopter giveaway below to win your own copy of a Missy Mila Twisted Tales DVD!a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. My daughter loves fairy tales. She even loves retellings. I think this would be perfect.

  2. Anything fairytale related is always a plus around here.

  3. I think my daughter will like that Mila asks questions and brings the viewers into her stories throughout the DVD.

  4. I think my granddaughter will like that the stories reinterprets classic tales

    tiramisu392 (at)

  5. my 6yr old would really enjoy this.

  6. I think they would like how it makes the viewers feel like they are a part of the story.
