
Saturday, July 12, 2014

Cool Gel N Cap makes First Aid for Kids Fun {Giveaway} #coolgelncap

There is not a mom out there who doesn't dread those endless booboos. How about the flu? The viruses with the fevers that just never end. What do you do though to try to get them more comfortable? Of course you follow the doctor's orders for medications and treatments but you want them to be comfortable too. I have tried it all from frozen peas to dishtowel wrapped ice packs that fall off over and over. Finally a boo boo solution from someone smarter than me. It is actually ingenious. I would love this for adults. They really need to consider this one for the grownups too.  From the head bops to the headaches, fevers to earaches, the Cool Gel N Cap makes first aid a lot less stressful for everyone. Including mommy and daddy. The Cool Gel N Cap provides comforting drug-free relief for your child's everyday lumps, bumps, earaches, headaches, and fevers. You can relax because the Cool Gel N Cap lets you melt away the pain, not the ice!

What is the Cool Gel N Cap and how does it work? That was my first question too. The Cool Gel N Cap is a lovable puppy dog or bunny cap which lets momma or daddy place two gel packs anywhere inside. The ingenious aspect to this invention is that you can warm the gel pack or freeze them depending on your needs.  Either way it provides soothing relief to all kinds lumps, bumps, earaches, headaches, and fevers. 

The friendly and sweet puppy and bunny faces cheer your sick ones right up. I can vouch for that. Mine arrived during the middle of the Worst Virus Ever. Really. I hope to G-d you never experience anything like this. My child has been down for the count since Tuesday. Fevers never ending. Nausea. Pooping. Vomiting.  We have been to the doctor so many times. One of the few things that really comforted her when she was so hot was ice packs but they kept falling off her forehead. I tried everything. Then the Cool Gel N Cap arrived. She actually smiled when she saw it. The poor thing hasn't smiled in days. In addition to being sick, we had to cancel a long-planned vacation up to the Adirondacks to visit friends. She has been so sad and sick....she cheered up so much with the hat she put it on right away. I popped the gel packs in the freezer and in an hour they were cool enough to put in the Cool Gel N Cap. It was a treat to see the smile on her face and it cooled her down too.

Children are afraid of ice packs and placing an ice pack directly on the skin stings too much.  Those zipper bags inevitably leak...I have even tried double bagging them. Don't even think about throwing some ice cubes in a yucky dish rag either...your poor little one deserves something better and cleaner  than that.  It is easy with Cool Gel N Cap too.

If you can it is always a good option to be able to provide drug free pain relief. Of course you want to follow the instructions of your physician or health care provider but I prefer drug free when I can. Another consideration is having your hands free. I can tell you all about that. You need your hands for other things to help your little one. You don't want all the details of this week though, trust me. I am hoping my career as Mommy Super Nurse is almost over. It is a thankless and tiring job that has shifts that never end. My dried out hands and nails will attest to that.  The Cool Gel N Cap leaves your hands free rather than holding an ice pack against the forehead or boo boo for endless hours. Now you can let the Cool Gel N Cap melt away the pain, not the ice! 

Even more exciting is that you can win your own Cool Gel N Cap too. Enter my Rafflecopter giveaway right now and good luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. That is really cute. I bet it would make our 3 year old feel better when he's sick. I have never seen these before. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think the Cool N Gel Cap will help the most when my daughter is sick at night. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I think that this would be a big help with my son who hates to hold anything cool on his body whether it's for a fever or a bump.


  4. My little one bonks her head a lot and won't hold ice to it. This would save us!

  5. This would be great for my little ones who won't hold a cold pack in place.

  6. This would really help with my son. He gets sinus headaches and this would make it so much easier to keep something cool on his head as he is 3 and is not great at holding things for a long time.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  7. I follow you on Pinterest
    Laura Lee
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
