
Saturday, July 12, 2014

LAVO Facial Mud Mask Review + Giveaway #lavomud

I recently had the opportunity to evaluate a luxurious and increasingly popular volcanic mud mask that is available on Amazon.  If you know me, you know I love to shop on Amazon. My sister too. I am not some kooky mama with things overflowing out of my closets or anything like that, I just find Amazon saves me time and my sanity sometimes. Even the little things like, hubby needs some new casual shoes. Whiz, bang, boom...48 hours later 3 pairs are at my doorstep and he is thrilled with two of them. Easy as pie to return the other pair. Ooops, low on shampoo.  Amazon to the rescue and no worries for mama. Things like that...just normal stuff.  Anyway, so LAVO Volcanic Mud Mask is a huge bestseller on Amazon and I was happy to try it out because my over 40 year old skin can use some assistance from time to time.

It is easy to use and even easier if you have ever used any kind of probably have! LAVO suggests washing your face first then wetting a towel with warm water. Gently lie back or recline for a minute or two or three and let the warmth of the towel open up your pores. Then apply your LAVO mask. Don't forget to close the jar right away or the mud will harden. If it does, don't worry you can add a little bit of glycerin to soften it back up.

If you have sensitive skin, the peeps at LAVO suggest diluting the mud with purified water (50/50) and leaving it on for a shorter amount of time. Then apply your favorite toner and moisturizer afterwards.  A little LAVO goes a long way so you only need to apply a thin amount. You should be able to get a good 20 facials out of each container. LAVO is a great value especially when you consider how much some of the other luxury department store brands can cost. 

LAVO shared with me a few tidbits about their high performance volcanic mud mask. It is a natural remedy for oily skin, acne and large pores. It has several natural ingredients including kaolin, actual volcanic mud, vitamin e, brown seaweed, aloe vera, and zinc oxide which work synergistically to help minimize pores and care for acne prone skin and more. 

There are a myriad of benefits to using a luxurious volcanic mud ask like LAVO including softer, tighter skin, smaller, cleaner pores and even reduced oil production. It has been so hot here in the mid-Atlantic after a chilly spring that my skin has sort of gone a little wacky.  I don't get acne too often but it keeps popping up here and there I think because of the heat and stickiness. Perhaps I am just sweating more and I need to clean my pores.  The LAVO Facial Mud Mask arrived just in time to be the perfect answer to my hot summer problem. I have been using it and thank goodness the acne has retreated.  My skiing looks good and has a nice glow after I rinse the mask off.  I think my pores look smaller too...I am always so conscious of my large pores by my nose and chin. They look better and seem to be less visible after a few treatments with LAVO. I am planning on continuing to use it because my skin looks good. I am committed to trying for a once a week LAVO session.
I just love that LAVO is made in the USA with all natural ingredients. There is nothing finer than supporting our own economy so I am happy to purchase from US based businesses more than anything.  LAVO is not only proud of making this product in America they are proud to be using all natural ingredients. In addition, it is totally paraben free, cruelty free, never tested on animals and manufactured in a clean FDA registered facility.
You can find LAVO high performance volcanic mud mask right on Amazon which means it can be at your doorstep so quickly and save you time and money.  Do like I do and save yourself time and headaches plus get your pores clean and fresh with LAVO when it arrives at your door while you relax at home.  

Don't forget to enter my Rafflecopter to win your own LAVO! a Rafflecopter giveaway
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

1 comment:

  1. I would love to purify my skin. I have large pores. YUCK!
